Future Mind Tours Instructions from In100Y on Vimeo.
The Mystery of Acorn Falls from In100Y on Vimeo.
The Imaginary Tour of Copenhagen from In100Y on Vimeo.
Who are they?
Future Mind Tours (FMT) is a Büro Reisende that travels within the human body and mind to dive into the conscious and subconscious world of the participants. Future Mind Tours will facilitate the journey towards 2112 and be of personal assistence to all participants at the Copenhagen Seminars. The most sublime outcome of this journey is a mind shift in the specific Reisende potentially resulting in a shift in paradigms in the external social landscape. One of Büro Reinsende’s more recent and proud examples is the collective mind shift, which took place in the people of Egypt early 2011.
Through generations Future Mind Tours’ special technique has been explored and evolved to such a degree that we are now the proud owners of a Subtrønic Model 645©, which allows us to investigate your inner human landscape in the most comfortable manner and almost without any complications. However, sometimes our presence might manifest as disturbances*.
The Eye Organ is of great importance to Future Mind Tours, and the guides will enter participants through the eye. This may sound painful but due to our exclusive use of our Subtrønic Model 645© the procedure will be experienced without any activation of the Dolor Nervous System (DNS). The eye serves as the entrance into the inner human landscape because it is a perfect print of the universe, or put in another way: It is a universe in itself.
*Subject-reports state following symptoms:
Overwhelming inspirations, headaches, moments of spontaneous enlightenment, symbolically loaded dreams, hallucinatory shivers, stutters, butterflies in the stomach, incredible teamwork, memory loss, fever, diarrhea and unexplicable rashes. If you experience symptoms that are not listed here please report back to Future Mind Tours, Büro Reisende.
Seminar#2 Trailer from In100Y on Vimeo.