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Article: Floating Futures
Closing the work day the participants were invited by Futures Mind Tours to participate in a ritual, in which they were first asked to write their personal future mission onto a small paper boat. Guided by the song of the … read more
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Article: Vision, integration of knowledge and mind shift
The purpose of Seminar 1, “Mind the long run, baby!” (held 8-9 June 2011) was to set the tone for the project, to create a frame of mind where taking a 100 years’ perspective not only becomes urgent and natural, … read more
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Presse dækning: Ligevægtsøkonomi: Vi kan ikke blive ved at betale gælden på Visa-kortet med vort Mastercard
16. juni Skrevet af Jørgen Steen Nielsen, Information Den kendte økonomiske vækstmodel har spillet fallit, siger grøn økonom, Wall Street-direktør og systemanalytiker i kor. Og mainstreamøkonomerne er begyndt at lytte. download pdf 1, 2
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